Hormone production during sleep
How does hormone production in our body work while we sleep?
Hormonproduktion im Schlaf
When evening falls, the pineal gland in our brain starts to produce the sleep hormone melatonin. The production of melatonin is stimulated by darkness. At the same time, the hormone seratonin, which keeps us in a good mood during the day, is also broken down. The good mood gives way to tiredness and our body demands sleep. Immediately afterwards, the pituitary gland in the brain produces the growth hormone somatropin. This helps children to grow and build bones and muscles. In adults, it replaces dead cells and strengthens the immune system. This growth hormone is most active during the deep sleep phase.
During the night, the hormone leptin ensures that we are not hungry. When we are awake, our body produces the hormone ghrelin, which makes us feel hungry. So if we stay awake too long, sleep too little or for too short a time, our body produces too much ghrelin and the nightly trip to the fridge is pre-programmed. We get downright ravenous. Early in the morning, around 3 a.m., the pick-me-up hormone cortisol kicks in. It wakes us up, raises our blood pressure and makes our heart beat faster. Now we no longer reach deep sleep phases, our body prepares itself for the day. We wake up again.

Carina Leitermann recommends:
“Here in Offenburg, Kehl and Baden-Baden, we would like to help you overcome these complaints and get a good night’s sleep. Arrange a consultation appointment here.”
We have a dedicated team of sleep experts who can help you with hormone production during sleep. Arrange a personal consultation appointment, during which we will analyse your individual needs and sleeping habits in detail.
Bettenhaus Leitermann GmbH

Carina Leitermann empfiehlt:
“Bei uns in Offenburg, Kehl und Baden-Baden möchten wir Ihnen helfen, diese Beschwerden zu überwinden und eine erholsame Nachtruhe zu ermöglichen. Vereinbaren Sie hier einen Beratungstermin.”
Unser engagiertes Team von Schlafexperten steht Ihnen zur Verfügung, um Ihnen bei der Bewältigung von Schulterschmerzen nach dem Schlafen zu helfen. Wir bieten Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen persönlichen Beratungstermin zu vereinbaren, bei dem unsere Fachleute Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse und Schlafgewohnheiten eingehend analysieren. Wir verstehen, dass jeder Mensch einzigartig ist, und deshalb suchen wir nach maßgeschneiderten Lösungen, die genau auf Ihre speziellen Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.